Marketing on Social Media

Note of basic marketing on social media.

Marketing strategy

  • Website design
  • Planning
  • Management
  • Offline integration
  • Traffic building
  • Social media
  • Optimization process
  • Conversation analysis

Target group

  • Define target group
    • Those who can and want to pay
    • Lowest hanging fruits
    • Which group do we want to work with?
      • For example, age, economy condition
      • When are you ready to reach them
    • How to get the target group fastest
      • Special products and prices
    • Exclude those we do not want
  • Demography
    • How many customers do we have?
    • What does they get?
  • Problem that will be solved
    • Communicate with the target group, not everyone
    • Segmentation
      • To communicate in terms of emotions
      • With more personal conversation
    • When you know what you should do, what motivate you to do
  • USP - Unique Sells Point

Business target

  • Measurable targets
    • Can be conversion goals
    • Can be to increase brand cognizance
  • Pilot group
    • Can be an ambassador
    • Like pilot user on Tiktok

Target and KPI for social media

  • How could social media contributes the target
  • What should the target be

Choice of channels

  • Facebook
    • Maybe older people?
  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Tiktok
    • Currently, 50% are over 18 years old
  • Linkedin
    • Co-workers
  • Websites
  • Positioning
    • The same expression in all channels


  • Builds trust and authority by demonstrating their values
    • Shall be connected to the target group
  • Make yourselves human
  • Saves time and energy
    • Make a list of words to use / not use
    • Do not pay to much attention to the language
  • A chance to stand out
    • Does not need to be humored
  • Tasks:
    • What is the tone of the company in real life?
    • What tone do you want in social media? Describe cards with words and phrases.
    • Based on values and how you are in the company.
    • Which words should not be used?
    • Which emojis are okay to use?
    • Which emojis should be avoided?

Content strategy

  • What type of content does the target audience want?
  • What is relevant to the target group?
  • What is valuable to the target group?
  • What is engaging?
  • What is inspiring?
  • What is entertaining?
  • What is educational for the target group?
  • Strengthening?
  • Lessons learned?
  • How should the content contribute to the goal?
  • Mix the engagement, inspiration, entertainment, and the education together
  • For example:
    • About us:
      • Who works for you?
      • Where are you?
    • Your opinions about industry:
      • What are you working with in your niche?
      • What are you not working with?
      • What makes you different?
    • Story:
      • How did you start?
      • When did you start?
      • Why did you start?
      • Your challenges
      • Your success
      • Your own story
    • Your job
      • How are you working?
      • Result of your clients
      • Routines
    • Expertise
      • How do you do things?
      • Share experience
      • Give useful tips

Content planning

  • A plan for the coming month makes it significantly easier to work efficiently
  • Materials can be created, collected and edited
  • Keyword-optimized copy for posts can be written in advance
  • All posts can be scheduled in a tool or on the platform

What will happen now?

  • What is to be implemented?
  • Who will implement it?
  • How will it be implemented? What will happen now?