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Take a look at some of the console programs, such as cp
in Linux. They all have a fancy help, their input parameters do not
depend on any position, ad have a human readable syntax. You can
implement the same functionality for your program with the
Boost.ProgramOptions library.
intmain(int argc, char* argv[]){ // Constructing an options describing variable and giving // it a textual description "All options" to it opt::options_description desc("All options"); // When we are adding options, first parameter is a name // to be used in command line. Second parameter is a type // Third parameter must be a short description of that option // 'a' and 'o' are short option names for apples and oranges // 'name' option is not marked with 'required()', so yser may not support it desc.add_options() ("apples,a", opt::value<int>()->default_value(10), "apples that you have") ("oranges,o", opt::value<int>(), "oranges that you have") ("name", opt::value<std::string>(), "your name") ("help", "produce help message") ; opt::variables_map vm; // Parsing command line options and storing values to 'vm' opt::store(opt::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); // We can also parse environment variables using 'parse_environment' method opt::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << "\n"; return1; } // Adding missing options from "apples_oranges.cfg" config file // You can also provide an istreamable object as a first parameter for 'parse_config_file' // 'char' template parameter will be passed to underlying std::basic_istream object try { opt::store( opt::parse_config_file<char>("apples_oranges.cfg", desc), vm ); } catch (const opt::reading_file& e) { std::cout << "Failed to open file 'apples_oranges.cfg': " << e.what(); } opt::notify(vm); if (vm.count("name")) { std::cout << "Hi, " << vm["name"].as<std::string>() << "!\n"; } std::cout << "Fruits count: " << vm["apples"].as<int>() + vm["oranges"].as<int>() << std::endl; return0;
Its usage:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
$ ./our_program --help All options: -a [ --apples ] arg (=10) how many apples do you have -o [ --oranges ] arg how many oranges do you have --name arg your name --help produce help message $ ./our_program Fruits count: 30 $ ./our_program -a 10 -o 10 --name="Reader" Hi,Reader! Fruits count: 20 $ ./our_program –apples=10 –oranges=20 Fruits count: 30
The code is quite self-explanatory with the comments. When using a
configuration file, we need to remember that its syntax differs from the
command-line syntax. We do not need to place minuses before the options.
So our apples_oranges.cfg option must look like this:
Boost's official documentation contains many more examples and shows
more advanced features, such as position-dependent options,
nonconventional syntax, and more.