An Brief Introduction to Amortized Analysis

Sometimes we want to design data structures that trade per-operation efficiency for overall efficiency. To analyze efficiency of these data structures, we will need to use amortized analysis.


The two-stack queue

  • Maintain an In stack and an Out stack.
  • To enqueue an element, push it onto the In stack.
    • Each enqueue takes time .
      • Just push an item onto the In stack.
  • To dequeue an element:
    • If the Out stack is nonempty, pop it.
    • If the Out stack is empty, pop lements from the In stack, pushing them into the Out stack. Then dequeue as usual.
    • Dequeues can vary in their runtime.
      • Could be if the Out stack isn't empty.
      • Could be if the Out stack is empty.
      • It's wrong, but useful, to pretend the cost of a dequeue is .
        • Some operations take more time than this.
        • However, if we pretend each operation takes time , then the sum of all the costs never underestimates the total.
  • Intuition: We only do expensive dequeues after a long run of cheap enqueues.
    • Provided we move all items from In to Out at once, and provided that enqueue items accumulate slowly, this is a fast strategy.
  • Key fact: Any series of operations on a two-stack queue will take time .
    • Each item is pushed into at most two stacks and popped from at most two stacks.
    • Adding up the work done per element across all operations, we can do at most work.

Dynamic arrays

  • A dynamic array is the most common way to implement a list of values.

  • Maintain an array slihtly biggerthan the one you need. When you run out of space, double the array size and copy the elements over.

  • Most appends to a dynamic array take time .

  • Infrequently, we do work to copy all elements from the old array to a new one.

  • Claim: The cost of doing appends to an initially empty dynamic array is always .

    • The array doubles at sizes , etc.

    • The very last doubling is at the largest power of two less than . This is at most .

    • Total work done across all doubling is at most

    • It's wrong, but useful, to pretend that the cost of an append is .

Building B-Trees

  • You are given a sorted list of values and a value of .
  • What's the most efficient way to construct a B-tree of order holding these values?
    • Idea 1: Insertthe items into an empty B-tree in sorted order.
      • Cost: , due to the top-down search.
    • Idea 2: Since all insertions will happen at the rightmost leaf, store a pointer to that leaf. Add new values by appending to this leaf, then doing any necessary splits.
      • Cost: The cost of an insert varies based on the shape of the tree.
        • If no splits are required, the cost is .
        • If one split is required, the cost is .
        • If we have to split all the way up, the cost is
      • Using our worst-case cost across inserts gives a runtime bound of
      • Claim: The cost of inserts is always
      • If is wrong, but useful, to pretend that the cost of an insert is
        • Some operations take more time than this
        • However, pretending each insert takes time never underestimates the total amount of work done across all operations.

Amortized analysis

The setup

  • We now have three examples of data strucutres where

    • individual operations may be slow, but

    • any series of operations is fast

  • Giving weak upper bounds on the cost of each operation is not useful for making predictions.

  • How can we clearly communicate when a situation like this one exists?

Key idea

  • Backcharge expensive operations to cheaper ones.

    • For the real costs, most operations are fast, but we can't get a nice upper bound on any one operation cost.
    • For the amortized costs, each operation is still reasonably fast, and all of them are nicely bounded from above.
  • Assign each operation a (fake) cost called its amortized cost such that, for any series of operations performed, the following is true:

  • Key intuition: amortized costs shift work backwards from expensive operations onto cheaper ones.

Formalizing this idea

Assigning amortized costs

  • The approach we've taken so far for assigning amortized costs is called an aggregate analysis.

    • Directly compute the maximum possible work done across any sequence of operations, then divide that by the number of operations.
  • This approach works well here, but it doesn't scale well to more complex data structures.

    • What if different operations contribute to / clean up messes in different ways?

    • What if it's not clear what sequence is the worst-case sequence of operations?

  • In practice, we tend to use a different strategy called the potential method to assign amortized costs.

Potential functions

  • To assign amortized costs, we'll need to measure how "messy" the data structure is.

  • For each data structure, we define a potential function such that

    • is small when the data strucuture is "clean"

    • is large when the data structure is "messy"

  • Once we've chosen a potential function , we define the amortized cost of an operation to be:

    where is the difference between just after the operation finishes and just before the operation started:

  • Intuitively:

    • if increases, the data structure got "messier", and the amortized cost is higher than the real cost.

    • If decreases, the data strucutre got "cleaner", and the amortized cost is lower than the real cost.

  • Let's make two assumptions:

    • is always nonnegative.

    • Thus, .

  • For example, for two-stack queues:

    • height of In stack.

    • Theorem: The amortized cost of anny enqueue or dequeue operation on a two-stack queue is .

  • For example, for dynamic arrays

    • Goal: Choose potential function such that the amortized cost of an append is .

    • Intuition: should measure how "messy" the data strucuture is.

      • Having lots of free slots means there's very little mess.
      • Having few free slots means there's a lot of mess.
    • We can come up with

    • Theorem: The amortized cost of an append to a dynamic array is .

  • For example, building B-trees.

    • What is the actual cost of appending an element?

      • Suppose that we perform splits at layers in the tree.
      • Each split takes time to copy and move keys around.
      • Total cost: .
    • Goal: Pick a potential function so that we can offset this cost and make each append cost amortized .

    • Let be the number of keys on the right spine

    • Each split moves (roughly) half the keys from the split node into a node off the right spine.

    • Change in potential per split: .

    • Net .